Thursday, May 27, 2010

Beginning of the End

Can you believe it? School is over. It's really over. My mind hasn't quite adjusted to this fact yet, but I can already feel the post-school-depression coming along nicely. What did I do for my first day of summer? I: took a nap, got on facebook, took the dog for a walk, slept again, played old school nintendo, ate food, went to a bishop's interview, went for yet another walk and now I am here. Livin' the viva loca!!! Yeah? Nah.

Wanna hear my tragic story of the day? Well too bad! I'm going to tell you anyway! So today was the all famous and traditional yearbook day. You go, you sign books, you say goodbye, you leave. Well... I happen to like this one boy... a lot. So when I arrived today, Kenzi says, "Kallie, ____ is here!" So I figured I'd just go up later and have him sign my book. Little did I know that he was going to DISAPPEAR INTO THIN AIR! Yeah, you heard me. When I was all ready and everything to sign his, knowing exactly what I was going to say, I couldn't find him worth my life. I quite literally spent an hour and a half looking for him. All my guy friends that know him were looking for him too. However, no luck. And then, my ride showed up. I'm such an idiot, I should have just gone up to him when I had the chance. It's not really that big of a deal though, I mean heck, it's a yearbook signing, it's just the fact that I never got to properly say bye to him. I'm hoping I'm good enough to him as a friend that when I contact him he'll want to hang out with me as much as I do with him. (Ha, not likely, but a girl can dream. :) ) Anyway, that's my tragic moment of the day. Now I know what "I could be chasin' but my time would be wasted" means.

Good news? What, am I putting you to sleep with my sob story? Alright, I'll give you somethin' good! Yesterday I had the wonderful, amazing, fantastic, marvelous, incredible opportunity. I was able to recieve my Patriarcial Blessing. I could go on all day talking about it. It was the best thing that's happened in my life this far, I think. I have never felt so close to Heavenly Father in my entire life. It's AMAZING the way it works! All three of my brothers and I have all had our blessings done by Partirarch Peay. He is the nicest and most inspired man I have ever met. The stories he tells each time I hear from him always leave me in tears without fail. My friend Daniel was just telling me that is grandpa is a Patriarch. How amazing is that? I would love to get my blessing from a grandpa, but I'm perfectly content with whom I got mine from. I am so grateful for the opportunity that I had to recieve my blessing, and I'm also happy that I was found worthy enough to recieve it. I honestly have never felt so much peace in my life before. If you have not gotten your blessing yet, I strongly advise you to prepare for it. Go and get it, but only if you're ready and you feel that it's the right thing to do. I'm so happy that my questions were strongly answered plain as daylight. After my blessing, Brother Peay just kept saying, "Wow." He told me I have a certain light about me and to never let that go. I'm so happy! It's amazing. Like, really. I just want you all to know... The Church Is True. Yep. :)

There was something else I wanted to talk about... I can't remem-- OH! I went to the temple. :) The PROVO temple. With my brother and Carly. It was super weird. I had never been to the Provo temple before and neither had she. So we kinda just walked around and were asking, "where do we go now?" But anywho, I had a good time and I hope she did too. It was a very educational experience. Haha, oh, and we got lots of cute pictures. I'm used to being behind the camera, and not in front of it, but Carly refused to not let me be in some. LOL. I love her. Thanks for goin' with me, Carly!

Oh, and the reason this post is called "Beginning of the End" is because... ... ... it sounds cool. No real reason, I guess. I just want to be cool sometimes, alright? :)

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Nice Boys

This is going to be a quickie... I just wanted to express to you how much I love nice boys. What brings this on, you might ask? Well, today I was feeling a little down. So I decided to go for a walk out in the rain with no jacket or anything by myself. Then one of the boys from my ward started to pass me on his bike. (Just know right now, that me and him are BFF's, but we're not enemies either. But this was still shocking to me.) Immediatly, he stopped and said, "Kallie, do you want my sweater?" and "Do you want me to walk you home?" I said to him that it was very nice of him to offer, but I declined both with a smile. So he said "Do you want my bike?" I told him thanks so much, but I'd be fine. That made me so happy to know that there really are some great guys out there somewhere... deep, deep down. It brought my spirits way up to know that people really do care for me somtimes! Anyways... to all you boys out there... maybe you could learn something from this. :)

Monday, May 17, 2010


BLAH!! I have so many things I want to say. But none of them have any importance. I am going to say them anyways. SO THERE! Plus, no one really reads my blog anyways. Great, that makes it more of a journal! This will be my 4th journal. :)

Item numero uno. SHAKESPEARE. I usually love Shakespeare! But not this week. Tomorrow we're going to be performing our Shakespeare scenes in drama. Ask me if I'm ready! Nope. I have never felt so unprepared in my life. And the fact that I have two other people to rely on, doesn't help. You know what else doesn't help? The scene we're doing is Romeo & Juliet. Shoot me in the face... right now. Fortunetly, I'm NOT playing Juliet, but rather Lady Capulet. Alexx Purser is playing Juliet, and Chase Bunker is playing Lord Capulet. I'm not so much nervous for me, as for Chase. He has so many monologues that are a mile long. Really. It's killing us. OH! As me if I'm even memorized! Nope. I want to punch myself in the gut. A lot. Shakespeare... unfortunetly, I find that I have a love-hate relationship with you. Good thing you're DEAD!

Parte dos. Timpanogos Lacrosse won state! AWESOME, right? They won 7:6 in the last three seconds. That is highly impressive! I'm very excited for them. And now, baseball is playing in semi-finals tonight. They're most likely going to win. Know why? Cause Timpanogos is the best at everything! (Except... football...)

You know what I love? I love going to the temple! And right now, the Timp temple's tulips are BEAUTIFUL!! They're all different colors and absolutely breath-taking. At least for an aspiring photographer like myself. :) This Saturday, I'm taking one of my good friends, Carly Bocenegra, up to the temple. She said she hasn't been in a while and said she'd like to go. So me, being the amazing person that I am, am taking her. It shall be glorious. We're going to take pictures and have a good time! Cause let's be honest... it's the temple... it's always amazing. :) (That is... if she CAN go...)

So, I used to be so excited for my schedule for next year! Until I was called down to the counseling office today during web page design. Turns out my mom is changing up my entire schedule. Yayy... NOT!! Gah. She doesn't think I can handle all of my classes. Which, I probably can't... but the fact that she has to say that ALL THE TIME doesn't help at all. It's very degrading and it makes me pretty much hate myself. I'm kind of a loser, did you know that? Well I did. Don't get me wrong, I'll be fine. I just... GAH! I wish she would sometimes just let me be and try to handle things by myself. Sometimes, I LOVE having her help me! It's great, and it most of the time helps. but blaaaaah!! (hence the title of this post. :) ) So right now, I get to go into the other room and try to figure out a highly crappy schedule for next year. Go me. OH! I haven't mentioned the best part yet. I'm doing packets all summer. So that I can "get ahead and take fun classes next year". Just one problem. I am not interested in any of the electives for next year. I already have the ones I want. (I.E. Productions, Spanish 4, and Yearbook). That's good enough for me. But whatever, I guess it'll be nice to get ahead and not have to take crap classes during school and to just get them over with during my action filled summer. Oh wait.

All in all, I love life, I hate life. Yet another love-hate relationship. Woopie! WOW. I'm being a baby. I really am happy! I'm just... stressed. Cause I'm a failure. Only sometimes though. Only during school. Only during the most important time of my life. Only when my future depends on it. I'm done. Woo. If you're reading this, will you do something for me? SMILE. That's all I ask. It makes people happy when you smile. And I could use it. Thanks.

:D <--- That's you right now. You're adorable!

Thursday, May 13, 2010


Alright, so, I was *kind of* just challenged to a blogging battle. HA. Yeah, bring it on! Savanna seems to be threatened by the fact that I blog more than her. Bwhahaha. :)

School... is... almost... over. Unacceptable to me! Call me crazy, but I'm gonna miss it. I'm honestly going to miss being a sophomore. Heck, it's FUN! And plus, nobody likes juniors anyways... I'm not going to miss the learning part of it all, but I am going to miss the people part. I have minimal (really... VERY minimal) plans for this summer. And let's be honest, I don't do much with my friends. So for those people that I'm friends with at school (you know... "school friends"...), I'm not going to see them for THREE months. That's a long time, ya know. Yeah, I have a few plans here and there... Girl's Camp (WHICH I'M PUMPED FOR!), EFY, Lake Powell, Savannie's Sweet 16 (...eww... ) a couple other birthday's, chillin' with Kiara (of course!!), Megan moving, (meanie...), BUT. Nothing huge. ish. So my plan? BUMMIN'!!! It shall be glorious.

DUUUUUDE! Timpanogos's lacrosse team made it to State! The game is on Saturday at 1:00 at Viewmont High School. I've been crossing my fingers hoping that my mom will take me up there. Even though... well... it's in Layton. But you know what? I LOVE lacrosse. The sport, yes. But also... people IN the sport... ;) I am so proud of them! Timpanogos Rules!

You know what's wrong? Being 16. Not so much me... I'm old news. But my friends are all FINALLY turning 16. It's gross. Really. I think they should make it illegal to be 16 unless you're cool enough to be. Wait... Dang it! Okay, nevermind. I'll just have to accept the fact that my friends are all growing up too. It's just not right though. I like being older than all of them. Well, all the GIRL'S that is. All my guy friends have all been 16 for ages. Blah.

Alright, well, I'm officially bored. And done blogging. But hey, just found out that I got an A on my CRT for Business Webpage Design. WOOHOO! Go me. Aaaaaannddd... FIN.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

"Shy" - Sonota Arctica

I can see how you are beautiful, can you feel my eyes on you?
I'm shy and turn my head away.
Working late in diner Citylite,
I see that you get home alright.
Make sure that you can't see me, hoping you will see me.

Sometimes I'm wondering why you look me and you blink your eye.
You can't be acting like my Dana. (can you?)
I see you in Citylite diner serving all those meals and then
I see reflection of my in your eye, oh please,

Talk to me, show some pity.
You touch me in many, many ways
But I'm shy can't you see.

Obsessed by you, your looks, well anyway,
"I would any day die for you",
I write on paper & erase away.
Still I sit in diner Citylite, drinking coffee or reading lies.
Turn my head and I can see you, could that really be you?

Sometimes I'm wondering why you look me and blink your eye,
You can't be acting like my Dana?
I see your beautiful smile and I would like to run away from
Reflections of me in your eyes, oh please,

Talk to me, show some pity.
You touch me in many, many ways
But I'm shy can't you see?

I see, can't have you, can't leave you there
'Cos I must sometimes see you.
But I don't understand how you can keep me in chains.
And every waking hour,
I feel your taking power from me and I can't leave.
Repeating the scenery over again.

Sometimes I'm wondering why you look me and blink your eye,
You can't be acting like my Dana?
I see your beautiful smile and I would like to run away from
Reflections of me in your eyes, oh please,

Talk to me, show some pity.
You touch me in many, many ways
But I'm shy can't you see?

Oh baby, talk to me, show some pity.
You touch me in many, many way,
But I'm shy can't you,
I'm shy can't you,
I'm shy can't you see?

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Day of Mothers!

Mother's Day... lame. Wish I was a mom so that I could have slaves at my every need. All in all, today has been a very bi-polar day for me. I was so excited for church because the YW got to sing with the primary in the program today! We sang, "Mother, will you teach me?". Or... something along those lines. The song was so touching, especially hearing the words being sung from the sweet primary children. I was excited to sing for my mom, since obviously, I didn't get anything for her, so I thought this song would be touching for her and a great gift. But, my dad decided that HIS gift to her for Mother's day would be that he was letting her not go to church and stay home this week, if she wanted. Of course she took him up on that offer. I know she doesn't know it, but I was really upset she didn't come. While we were up singing, I had a little break-down in the middle of the song. I had to just mouth the words cause I knew if I tried to sing, I would have been several notes higher than should be possible. Haha. The whole day during church was extremely emotional for me. When they got up and annouced the releasings, they said that Amylee (YW pres), Ellen (YW 1st), and Bobbi (YW 2nd) had all been released. I was SO upset. I immediatly started to cry right there. I tried so hard not to, but I did. I ended up slipping out of sacrament meeting to that I could just have my moment to sit and be to myself for a while. I love young womens just the way it was and wish that nothing changed. But I know that the new ladies will do a great job. I like all the new people a lot, I just hate change... Wow. I am WAY off topic. Mother's Day. Okay... well... there's really nothing to say. It was pretty much a normal sunday. My family is sometimes so hard to stay upset around. Mainly because of Bradley. He's such a twit. They all really lifted my mood and I was giggly all for a lot more of the day. But then my dad accused my happiness of being fake. Wow. So then, I left and did homework.

Things that made me happy? Well, I got two amazing cards from a couple of my leaders today. One from Tiffany Garret, (YW secretary). It was a thank you card for me reaching out to a certain YW in my ward that hasn't attended church in a long time. The YW mentioned my name while talking to Tiffany about how she's happy and actually excited for camp and YW's because me and Kenzi have befriended her. So that's what her note was for. Made me so happy! The second was from Connie Pond and Lori Wakefield. AMAZING women. They are the camp leaders, but honestly, they are a lot more than that. They are just like best friends. They both care so much for me, and every other girl in the ward. They are the funnest, amazingest, best people ever. I love them both so much! Connie is now the new YW 2nd. I'm flippin' excited for her. And for me. Haha, it's going to be a blast! Connie brought over a cute vase with a flower (and skittles!!) in it, with a take on it with the quote "If flowers were friends, I'd pick you!". I've always loved that quote. The card had just a short sweet message from both of them that made my night. I'm so happy to know all of these women! :)

Good day? Nah. But, if my mom ends up reading this... just know... that... I love her. I really really do. I know I'm a brat, and she does not like me sometimes... a lot of the time... but! I grateful for all she does. She thinks she's not a good mom, but honestly, she's the best one I've ever had. And I mean that. My mom has shaped my life completely. I constantly have people telling me how much I am just like my mom. There could not be a better compliment in the whole world. Also, my friends always say how much they like my mom. Is there any better way? How many people can say that? My mom is the truest best mom in my house. Just kidding... IN THE WORLD! My mom has a very teenage spirit. She's so young at heart... that's one reason I know we get along. My mom is like a cat... because... I like cats. I wanted to come up with a profound simile for her being like a cat... but... I just like them. A lot. And I like my mom a lot. You know, I even LOVE my mom. Thanks for all you do, and helping me with everything, mama! I LOVE YOU ALWAYS!

So... behind...

Mother's Day is tomorrow? What? Dang it... I'm the worst daughter in the world. Really. Maybe I should do something nice for my mom since I didn't *buy* her anything. Clean the house? LAME. Can I earn a reward for the worst daughter ever? I don't doubt it.

I really just wish I could catch up on my life. I am SO far behind it's not even funny. I have many many things to do and so little time. And yet, I never do them. Call me a loser. Honestly. One day, I am going to be completely amazing and I'll do what I need to do. Maybe people would finally like me then. Especially the parents. Sheesh. So, I'm a brat. Especially of late. I've become the stereotypical teenage girl. I'm a sass to everyone and when I don't get my way I throw a tantrum. I'm so lame. One day I'll grow up. But for now, I'm remaining childish. So there. Ha.

Alright, so, my good friend Kayla Smith's birthday was today. Not just birthday, but Sweet 16. It was a BLAST! Volleyball, dancing, *slow* dancing (...yeah...), smores, bonefire, zombie tag, mario cart, cops coming and giving us a ticket, me and Daniel being royalty, freeze, park bench, etc. Wait, did I say cops? Yes... during the very last song that was played, the cops came and ticketed us because the music was too loud. Our response? HAHAHA! Lame. Some people. GAH, I just barely got the campfire smell out of my hair from earlier this week. Now it's back. Dang it. Good thing I LIKE fire, haha. :)
So, all in all, I had a good time. Although I might not have looked it. I seemed like a loner, but sometimes I just like to keep myself, ya know? But thanks to some people (Daniel and Royce), kept me going and keeping me company. Great people, you know. I'm so happy Kayla can finally be 16 so that she can break all the little boys' hearts OFFICALLY. Hahaha, ;)

It's now midnight thirty. It's waaaay past this kid's bedtime. Now my stummy hurts and I have a sore throat. I blame you. So, I'm off to bedland to hopefully have more dreams like I did a couple nights ago... Ha. Hahaha. Ha. Goodnight moon.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Did ya miss me?

ALRIGHT. Here we go again. Maybe this time I will be able to keep up a blog now that I feel like I have something to say! Wee.

Yesterday was one of the best days... well, class periods... of my life. I have Brother Taeger for seminary B3, and we had one of the most amazing lessons of my life. I cried. Shocker there, huh? To start the class off, I decided to share a little bit of a letter that I got in YW's. The letter, believe it or not, is from Heavenly Father to all the daughters of the earth. Yes. :)
Wanna read it? Well I'll let you read it. Here goes!

Dear Daughter,

I remember well the day you left my side, wandered through the veil and ventured forth to fulfill your earthly mission. I had a tear in my eye each time I clothed your spirit in a cloak of love and sent you off to school. Be assured that my thoughts are with you now, as always.

I love you with all of my heart. I know your life, the good, the bad, your grief, your disappointment, your unrewarded efforts, your frustrations, and your temptations. But always remember, all that I have is yours if you will only come home again.

Daughter, realize that in you I have placed a bit of heaven. No one was exempt. I love all of my children. You have some blest gift, some talent, some little part of me in you. Search for it, develop it, use it, and most importantly, share it with others. If you really love me, then help others find themselves and lead them to me. Show your love by serving others.

Repent of your failings and humble yourself. Make yourself ever teachable and continually strive to improve. I gave you weaknesses to help you to be humble. Don't condemn me for that. I did it because I love you. Be full of hope. Don't let discouragement engulf you. I'll come, if you need me.

Daughter, cease your idle contentions. Be a peacemaker, for it breaks my heart to see so many of my children fighting. If they could only see what I have helped, planned, and desired for them. My heart breaks as I watch them. But you, my faithful daughter, are my hope. It is through you that my work must proceed. You haven't much time and there is so much to be done. I beg you to get started. Accomplish the mission I gave you before you left me. I'll help you. I'll never be too busy or too far away to come to you. I'm nearer to you always than you might suspect. I have so much I would like to tell you, but I can't here.

Come to me often in prayer. I love to talk to you, my beloved Daughter. Be diligent in my work, and my kindgom shall be yours. I'd love to take you in my arms, but I, too, must wait patiently; that time will come. Till then, I leave you with my peace, my blessings, my love and never forget I am nearby whenever you need me.

I love you and miss you so very much, and oh, how I am looking forward to your return again to me and your Mother.

All my love,
Your Heavenly Father

Doesn't that just lift your spirit WAY up in the air? Mine does. So already after sharing this, I was in a good, learning, excited mood. Oh, I forgot to mention the most important part of this all; the missionaries were in our class! Brother Williams and Brother Marshall. Later on in the lesson, I shared an example that I was struggling with and felt like my situation was helpless. But then Brother Williams, sitting behind me, talked to me specifically reassuring that it is NOT too late. That things change later on in my life, and in the lives of those I am worried for. I knew there was a reason I coincidently forgot to wear make-up that day... because like I said earlier, I cried. That one missionary really changed my perspective on more than one situation in my life. I just love missionaries. BUT THEN! Yes, there is more. Brother Williams turns out to be a singer song writer. So he played his guitar and sang a song he wrote for us in seminary. I was able to write down the last little bit of the song that is AMAZING. So, here we go again!

My spirit's willing but the flesh was weak
While you're away I'll feed your sheep
Yes I will follow you to see the end
Till I see your face
Till I feel your grace
I will follow you to see the end

It's called "To See the End". This all happend on a thursday, which means Feast was that day. I never attended any Feast's, but felt like today was the today! There's a beginning for everything! Before Feast I went a gathered some of my peeps and strongly encouraged them to come with. Kaden, Izak, Savanna, Austin, and Jared all came with me. The missionary once again sang that song. It hit me so hard, and I felt the spirit SO much that day. I love the church. :)
Anyways, I just wanted to share some of my feelings with you, and hope the things I've said can also help you. You know, I kinda like this whole blog thing now... I think I shall keep up. :) Woohoo!