Wanna hear my tragic story of the day? Well too bad! I'm going to tell you anyway! So today was the all famous and traditional yearbook day. You go, you sign books, you say goodbye, you leave. Well... I happen to like this one boy... a lot. So when I arrived today, Kenzi says, "Kallie, ____ is here!" So I figured I'd just go up later and have him sign my book. Little did I know that he was going to DISAPPEAR INTO THIN AIR! Yeah, you heard me. When I was all ready and everything to sign his, knowing exactly what I was going to say, I couldn't find him worth my life. I quite literally spent an hour and a half looking for him. All my guy friends that know him were looking for him too. However, no luck. And then, my ride showed up. I'm such an idiot, I should have just gone up to him when I had the chance. It's not really that big of a deal though, I mean heck, it's a yearbook signing, it's just the fact that I never got to properly say bye to him. I'm hoping I'm good enough to him as a friend that when I contact him he'll want to hang out with me as much as I do with him. (Ha, not likely, but a girl can dream. :) ) Anyway, that's my tragic moment of the day. Now I know what "I could be chasin' but my time would be wasted" means.
Good news? What, am I putting you to sleep with my sob story? Alright, I'll give you somethin' good! Yesterday I had the wonderful, amazing, fantastic, marvelous, incredible opportunity. I was able to recieve my Patriarcial Blessing. I could go on all day talking about it. It was the best thing that's happened in my life this far, I think. I have never felt so close to Heavenly Father in my entire life. It's AMAZING the way it works! All three of my brothers and I have all had our blessings done by Partirarch Peay. He is the nicest and most inspired man I have ever met. The stories he tells each time I hear from him always leave me in tears without fail. My friend Daniel was just telling me that is grandpa is a Patriarch. How amazing is that? I would love to get my blessing from a grandpa, but I'm perfectly content with whom I got mine from. I am so grateful for the opportunity that I had to recieve my blessing, and I'm also happy that I was found worthy enough to recieve it. I honestly have never felt so much peace in my life before. If you have not gotten your blessing yet, I strongly advise you to prepare for it. Go and get it, but only if you're ready and you feel that it's the right thing to do. I'm so happy that my questions were strongly answered plain as daylight. After my blessing, Brother Peay just kept saying, "Wow." He told me I have a certain light about me and to never let that go. I'm so happy! It's amazing. Like, really. I just want you all to know... The Church Is True. Yep. :)
There was something else I wanted to talk about... I can't remem-- OH! I went to the temple. :) The PROVO temple. With my brother and Carly. It was super weird. I had never been to the Provo temple before and neither had she. So we kinda just walked around and were asking, "where do we go now?" But anywho, I had a good time and I hope she did too. It was a very educational experience. Haha, oh, and we got lots of cute pictures. I'm used to being behind the camera, and not in front of it, but Carly refused to not let me be in some. LOL. I love her. Thanks for goin' with me, Carly!
Oh, and the reason this post is called "Beginning of the End" is because... ... ... it sounds cool. No real reason, I guess. I just want to be cool sometimes, alright? :)