Thursday, May 13, 2010


Alright, so, I was *kind of* just challenged to a blogging battle. HA. Yeah, bring it on! Savanna seems to be threatened by the fact that I blog more than her. Bwhahaha. :)

School... is... almost... over. Unacceptable to me! Call me crazy, but I'm gonna miss it. I'm honestly going to miss being a sophomore. Heck, it's FUN! And plus, nobody likes juniors anyways... I'm not going to miss the learning part of it all, but I am going to miss the people part. I have minimal (really... VERY minimal) plans for this summer. And let's be honest, I don't do much with my friends. So for those people that I'm friends with at school (you know... "school friends"...), I'm not going to see them for THREE months. That's a long time, ya know. Yeah, I have a few plans here and there... Girl's Camp (WHICH I'M PUMPED FOR!), EFY, Lake Powell, Savannie's Sweet 16 (...eww... ) a couple other birthday's, chillin' with Kiara (of course!!), Megan moving, (meanie...), BUT. Nothing huge. ish. So my plan? BUMMIN'!!! It shall be glorious.

DUUUUUDE! Timpanogos's lacrosse team made it to State! The game is on Saturday at 1:00 at Viewmont High School. I've been crossing my fingers hoping that my mom will take me up there. Even though... well... it's in Layton. But you know what? I LOVE lacrosse. The sport, yes. But also... people IN the sport... ;) I am so proud of them! Timpanogos Rules!

You know what's wrong? Being 16. Not so much me... I'm old news. But my friends are all FINALLY turning 16. It's gross. Really. I think they should make it illegal to be 16 unless you're cool enough to be. Wait... Dang it! Okay, nevermind. I'll just have to accept the fact that my friends are all growing up too. It's just not right though. I like being older than all of them. Well, all the GIRL'S that is. All my guy friends have all been 16 for ages. Blah.

Alright, well, I'm officially bored. And done blogging. But hey, just found out that I got an A on my CRT for Business Webpage Design. WOOHOO! Go me. Aaaaaannddd... FIN.

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